Dommer for våre 3 raser var Leif Ragnar Hjorth
( med forbehold om feil )
AffenpinscherHar dessverre ikke fullstendige resultater men
Pedigree's A'Odin 1BHK, CERT, CACIB, BIR
NUCH Capricho Ille Anclentanne CACIB, BIM
PinscherÅpenklasse, hanneRattenjäger Quantum Of Solace Exc, 1akk, CK, 2 BHK, CERT, Res CACIB = NORSK UTSTILLINGS CHAMPION
Lisientas Arques KIP ( pga halting )
Championklasse, hanneN SE DK UCH AD Mahero Exc, 1chk, CK, 1BHK, CACIB, BIM
N SE DK UCH AD Magleddies Mostawsome G
N UCH Xitamiz Xeptional Son of Kaxe G
N UCH Xitamtz Sergeant Salute IM
Unghund, tispeClefell's Rosebud Exc, 1ukk, CK, 2 BTK, CERT, Res CACIB
Åpenklasse, tispeXitamiz Xprezzway to Suczezz VG?
Championklasse, tispeN UCH Rattenjäger Pippi Långstrumpa Exc, 1chk, CK, 1BTK, CACIB, BIR
DvergpinscherJuniorklasse, hannElite Kings Coliseum VG
Unghundklasse, hannBatterfly Land Layf Exc, 1ukk, CK, 3BHK, CERT, Res CACIB
Theneican' Qualis Talis VG2
Accuro's CSI Conan VG3
Åpenklasse, hannMy Alter Ego's Chosen One Exc, 1akk, CK
Anngreth's Alfie VG2
Championklasse, hannN SE DK NORD HR UCH Norwinstars Johnny Knoxville Exc, 1 chk, CK, 1 BHK, CACIB, BIR, BIG-4 = INTERNASJONAL CHAMPION
HRCH JWW-12 Tangetoppen's Jedi Luke Skywalker Wxc, 2chk, CK, 4 BHK, Res CERT
N SE DK NORD LUX INT UCH EUW-11 NV-11 Norwinstars Jedi Anakin Skywalker Exc, 3 chk, CK
N SE FIN NORD UCH FIV-11 JWW-11 EUJW-11 CEW-11 Theneican's Louis Vuitton Exc, 4 chk, CK
Veteranklasse, hannINT NORD BH S&M UCH NV-05 NORDV-06 Tangetoppen's My Johnny Depp in Red Exc,1vet, CK, 2 BHK, Beste veteran
Juniorklasse, tispeHjärtslaget's Anotherstar Exc, 1jkk, CK, 3 BTK, Res CERT
Graffity Iz Zamka Priora Exc, 2jkk
Chi O'din Las Vegas VG 3
Unghundklasse, tispeBreaking Dawn V Nobel Line Exc, 1ukk, CK, 4 BTK
Tangetoppen's Princess Leia Organa Exc, 2ukk, CK
Solseter's Daysi With Dancingtail Exc, 3ukk
Schwima's Hurricane Hilda VG4
Solseter's Faline Dance on The Sky VG
Åpenklasse, tispeTangetoppen'sTwin Peaks Exc, 1akk, CK, 1 BTK, CERT, CACIB, BIM
Solseter's Rock'n Roll Dancer Exc, 2akk
Fredriksteen's Whoppie M Exc, 3akk
Fredriksteen's Nadine M VG4
Championklasse, tipseN SE DK FIN NORD UCH Tangetoppen's Fire Walk With Me Exc, 1chk, CK, 2BTK, Res CACIB
N UCH Lille Lo's Betty Boop Exc, 2chk, CK
VDH DE UCH Unico Perrito's Dejavu in Red Exc, 3chk, CK
Kennel Tangetoppen stillte også oppdrettergruppe, fikk HP og ble BEST IN SHOW-3